Friday, January 30, 2009

my soap box moment

Earlier this week there was an attempted abduction in our neighborhood. A little girl was walking home by herself and two guys in a silver car tried to get her to get into the car with them, saying her mom had told them to bring her home.

Lame line if you ask me... but luckily they didn't attempt to force her in the car and she ran home and told her mom. But then again this morning a silver car was spotted by the bus stop until a parent drove by and he took off.

One thing that bugs me about the culture in Utah and parts of Idaho (and maybe elsewhere too) is when people automatically think they live in a safe place where nothing goes wrong. Yes, we may live by Happy Valley, but there are still boogie men out and about - they can even drive to your nice cozy supposedly-safe neighborhood.

I know not all Utahns let their kids run loose in the neigbhorhood and some use caution. I do have some young girlie neighbors across the street whom I worry about immensely with their physical safety playing in the road alone or down by the lake alone.

Anyhoo, I'll stop my ranting about now, but it's just got me thinking about the state of our world and how we can stay safe in it. It's not the same as it used to be when we were kids. I'm grateful my parents used caution with us girlies even in good ol' Sugar City, and I think we need to be even more cautious with our kids.

I even think about myself shopping with my kids. In Tennessee & Florida I was very certain my kids were nearby but I think I've become more casual lately.

On a similar note regarding safety of kids, LDSLiving had an article called 'rethinking sleepovers' which reinforced my opinion on that matter.

So, now I don't feel so much like the dorky mom taking and picking up her child from the bus stop every single day. I just feel like a cautious parent who's trying to watch out for her little girlie. I am reminded this week of how important it is to be aware.

To each his own ... and maybe I freak out more than I ought about these things, but I'd rather error on the side of caution.

Don't worry - this is THE END of my soapbox moment.


Anonymous said...

I love your soapbox, I am all over it! I agree wholeheartedly. And the sleepover thing is a big no in our house. Just not a good idea.

April said...

Isn't it sad that we have to live with this fear all the time?

I pray every night that the angels will protect my girls from the evil works of men on earth-

This is one reason why I always go to the temple because I can't forget the promises and the blessing of protection the temple can bring ino our lives.

Sometimes I just want to move out to the mountains and raise sheep just so I can allow my children to run free...

oh and sleep overs are nothing but trouble. If my mom only knew what happened at sleep overs...well she does know- I told her later on- just have to listen to the spirit on this issue- but yuck those days are scary! Kenzie and Julia don't grow up!!!!

Amy D. said...

We live in evil times. The sleepover article is great! It spells out lots of the "reasons" for the kids and for parents, too.

Heather H said...

I am so with you, my kids are going to hate me when they are older and realize that other families dont have as strict of rules as ours does. I love knowing that someone else feels the same way!

Sally said...

I am totally with you on this. I will be taking Olivia to and fro school...not worth the risk in my opinion!

Don't feel dorky.