Monday, January 26, 2009

Innocent Twinkles and Eternal HOPE

Speaking of the beach ... whenever I think of our sunny happy beach days, I think of the first time we took Hannah to the beach in Florida as a toddler. She la-la-loved it.

Sometimes I wish life was always as carefree ... playing at the beach in mini jelly-shoes with an innocent twinkle in your eye and not a bother in the world.

As an adult though I have fewer carefree moments than in childhood.  Maturing seems to make you more aware of seriousness and sadness that exists in the world for others and yourself.   Some days you toss off that weight and catch the joys, but today was a heavy heart day for me. Just because...

But as my friend Steph reminds me when I feel weighed down by earthly matters:

It's true... isn't it!

And just because I found this in my search for summery, warm, sunny, and bright beach photos. Here is our 2004 family in all our glory. I think we ought to hang up photos like these in our home to have a few good laughs with ourselves to remember the good ol' days.


Mary said...

That last picture should have been your christmas card. Awesome. All I've thought about the past few days is having sand between my toes. Mmmmm....

Steph and Eric said...

love you friend!!!

Katie said...

Those pictures of Hannah at the beach are adorable!