Saturday, October 25, 2008

no una buena mañana (not a good morning)

I decided I would be a fun mom and make a scrumptious breakfast of crepes, vanilla pudding, and fruit to top it off.

The response from the fam wasn't the most cheerful. Hannah said, "Mom, do we ha-a-a-a-a-a-ve to have crepes for breakfast?"

Abe whined and complained about even trying the pudding. Jimmy made him taste a bite and he split-splat-ewwed about it. Hello! Half of the world would love to eat pudding anytime - especially for breakfast. What a treat!

And neither of the kids wanted fruit on theirs. Hannah only wanted cheese on her crepe. Abe only ate 1 when I know his stomach could hold about 10.

That's it folks - no fun breakfasts for a while. I recognize how spoiled of a society we are to be so unappreciative of a tasty sweet thing.  Maybe cold porridge for a week would bring out gratitude for mom's efforts.  What is porridge anyways?


Marne said...

Sounds like our house Heather. My kids all HATE crepes. I just don't get it...oh well. More for me!

Marne said...

Oh, and my kids do that with desserts too. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

arghhh! it really bugs when they do things like that! Here we are trying to do something nice and they complain??? What are they thinking. I must admit, when they do that, I storm out, and sulk in my room.

Carol said...

How nice of you to make such a cool breakfast. Isn't that the pits when no one is excited about it? I hope you at least got to enjoy them!