Saturday, October 25, 2008

Memory of the Engagement

This week Jimmy and I were reminiscing about our engagement which took place 8 years ago today - Oct 25. (which is also the same day Jimmy entered the MTC).

We had decided to get married and had picked out rings but Jimmy hadn't officially asked me yet. Unbeknownst to me, the rings had arrived earlier than expected and Jimmy had picked them up and planned all of this.

That day I had a few moles and a wart removed (very romantic ~ NOT!). So, my body was kindof achy and I just wasn't feeling the best. I had on totally comfy pj pants and a sweatshirt with my hair slicked into a ponytail.

Jimmy came over that evening and asked if I wanted to go on a drive up to the Mt. Timp Temple. He knew how much I love to see that temple. I agreed to go. He asked if I wanted to dress up nicer (because he knew he was going to propose), which of course, I didn't (because I didn't know he was going to propose), because I wanted to be comfy.

Once we got there, we were walking around and Jimmy wanted to go over to this park across the street. I didn't want to because it was so dark and I thought it was creepy. But we ended up doing that and sitting on this picnic table (which Jimmy and his friend had totally placed just in that very spot early in the day). We had a perfect view of the temple.

We were talking and such, and then Jimmy kneeled down and asked me to marry him with the lovely ring and a sweet letter he had written. Oh - the joy!  It was a perfect engagement for us because it was simple and sweet with no one else around. I loved it.

Then we took a few pictures to capture the joy forever. They were totally staged and we took them ourselves but it's fun to have them. (don't we look so young!)
I'm grateful for Jimmy and what a joyful influence he is in my life! He's still the love of my life - 8 years later.


Reeses Pieces said...

How sweet. I love that you have those pictures. Temples must be the place to get engaged. Dave asked me on the SLC temple grounds.

Amy D. said...

You do look so young :). That is a very sweet engagement story and nice for you to recount it. Good job, Jimmy!

Anonymous said...

love you story (it sounds a lot like mine...) You look so cute! Congrats on a great union!

Heather H said...

You guys are just too cute!