Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Inspiring Kindness

I love coming across inspiring sites of people trying to make a positive difference in this world. Operation Nice is one such site that I discovered on Stacy's All Together Too Happy blog.

"Don't you love it when people go out of their way to be nice? Like when someone waits to hold the door for you. Or when a stranger waves you into a line a traffic. Or even when a coworker shoots you a friendly smile along with a "have a nice day." If everyone was a little bit nicer to the folks they encountered each day, perhaps the world would be a more pleasant place. Operation NICE was initiated to remind you that a little NICE goes a long way." Melissa Morris Ivone
Melissa created these NICE downloads to help others share the love. She has a link on her main page to Downloads on the left with these and others.

created by Melissa Ivone
created by Melissa Ivone

Doesn't it just put
a little bounce in your step
cheer in your heart
when someone does something nice for you!

Kindness - Let's Pass it on!

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