Wednesday, October 29, 2008

You've had a birthday - Cha-cha-cha!

Today my Hannah is 6 delightful years old. She was all geared up for a SUPER day and hopefully it turned out as splendid as she imagined.

Her wish-list included:
Sleeping Beauty movie
a book
tissues (yes - like the kind you blow your nose with)
pogo stick
and a hulla-hoop
No pogo stick to knock out front teeth, but look at her swingin' with this hulla-hoop and her school birthday crown.

Auntie Julie decorated a darling Tinkerbell cake which Hannah loved.

Happy Birthday to my
pure-hearted Hannah!


Jolene said...

Happy Birthday Hannah! I hope you had a great day. Your birthday cake is so cute.

Angie said...

What a fun birthday! I love that she wanted tissues - She looks like a natural with that hula-hoop. Happy Birthday Hannah! You are darling.

Charity said...

She is adorable! What did she want the tissues for? That is funny :)

Lexie said...

Hannah is a doll and I love that cake. Loved the wish list (especially the tissues :)