Friday, September 05, 2008

The very first tooth and more

We've seen a lot of this face lately!

And finally today Max's first tooth emerged. It was an exciting day at our house! Abe said, "Max is growing up ... I guess."

He is starting to dislike baby food immensely. Sigh... He thinks he needs big people food. It takes forever to cut up mini bites of our dinner but I'm hoping he won't be as picky as my other 2 barnlings if he eats different textures now.

We frequently find Maxwell's missing pants laying around. With all that army crawling Max can't keep his pants on.

And lately we've found this baby sitting up in his crib. He finally can easily sit up by himself from crawling or laying down. Good work buddy! He loves his softie blankie too. I love Max's turkey in his hair in this photo. He wakes up with the funniest hair sometimes - but he still grins a mile wide.


Jeanna said...

Totally fun to have a baby with a tooth. Seems to take forever. He is an adorable little boy - what fun it is to having smiling babies around.

Anonymous said...

Finally that tooth is through! Yes. I wish Brennan's SEVENTH tooth would finally break through!

Carol said...

Cute photos of Abe, Heather! I love them. Thanks for posting updates so regularly. You are so good at that.

Steph and Eric said...

Warner is right there with Max . . .constantly a pantless wonder. and a sockless wonder for that matter. It is so much fun to see him growing up!!!

Steph and Eric said...

Warner is right there with Max . . .constantly a pantless wonder. and a sockless wonder for that matter. It is so much fun to see him growing up!!!

Amy D. said...

He totally lost his pants! That's a hoot.