Saturday, September 06, 2008

Inspiring people - Nie Nie

I'm sure a lot of you heard about the Nielsen's who are recovering burn victims from a small airplane crash in AZ.

I thought this tribute to Nie Nie (Stephanie Nielsen) in the NY Times was an inspiring message about who she is as a mother.
Ms. Nielson’s blog made motherhood “sound like the highest calling on earth: a job full of color and vibrancy and of the utmost importance."

"People don’t understand that of course Stephanie had days where she was crazy and wanted to pull her hair out,” Ms. Kendrick said. “Her relationship with her husband wasn’t perfect. But she chose to focus on the beauty.

“And the more she focused on it, the more she had.”
NY Times Article

Just today I was thinking about how sometimes it seems easier (or at least more adventurous) for some to go out and Save the World in Big Huge Gigantic ways that will be seen by society as grand than to stay at home and save the children in small simple ways ... things that may seem mundane on a daily basis.

But with a goal "to raise these children to be what God wants them to be" (Jeffrey R. Holland) those daily tasks find great value. That helps me feel more positive about all the tasks to be done today. And it reminds me of the great work that is done in the home with our own little families.
"Do the best you can through these years, but whatever else you do, cherish that role that is so uniquely yours and for which heaven itself sends angels to watch over you and your little ones." (Jeffrey R. Holland)
I do hope the angels watch over all of us in our efforts to fulfill our purpose and over the Nielsen's and their 4 children as they recover and move forward from this hard situation.

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