Thursday, September 04, 2008

First day of Preschool

Abe had his first day of preschool on Tuesday. I was sad not to take him to and from but I was still down and out. He actually thought it was fun to go in my neighbors car and was sad today when we were going to take him.
Abe, of course, selected Wall*e for his 1st day of school shirt. He came home and said he learned about coloring and writing. He said his favorite part was playing on the playground.

Here he is practicing all those pre-reading skills (uhhh... looking at the photos can count as pre-reading- eh). At least he knows how to spell his name "ABE" so he's on his way.
We hope Abe has a successful year preparing for kindergarten. He sure is a fun kiddo with lots of energy and love to share with others.

p.s. mothering note:I didn't even think about emotionally preparing Abe to go to preschool because we had gone to the open house and he seemed great about it. He isn't very timid and does pretty well jumping right into activities with other kids. But the night before school, he was up from bed going potty at 9:30 p.m. or so and was asking Jimmy about eating lunch and where he would put his lunch box. He was still thinking it was like his TN preschool I guess. And he isn't a huge talker so he was just thinking through everything silently inside.  Poor guy!  So we prepped him and sent him on his way the next day and he did swell. Note to self - remember that little boys need one-on-one 'how's it going?' talks too.

1 comment:

Julie said...

He is such a darling little boy. Love the picture of him reading his book.