Tuesday, September 30, 2008

too funny not to share

This baby is by far our funniest. He has the craziest hurricane swirl hair that never parts.  He has the cutest two teeth that are so jack-o-lantern right now.  He smiles like there's no tomorrow.  He loves giving zerberts.  He eats just about anything (except peas) which is miraculous for one of our kids.  Max is 9 1/2 months and is just way too funny and cute.


Alison said...

I absolutely love his teeth!!! I'm so glad he is such a cute sweet fun baby and that you are lovin' these moments!

Mary said...

Oh my goodness gracious. That is the best thing EVER! Is he still grinding them together? Way funny Heather.

Carol said...

What a cute photo, Heath. Such a happy guy! I love it!

Amy D. said...

Max is such a wiggle bug! We love him and think he is such a cute little jack-o-lantern :)

Julie said...

Adorable little boy!