Tuesday, September 30, 2008

a child's perspective

I saw this list of questions on Shauna's blog and thought it would be funny to go through these with the kids.

What is something mom always says to you?

Hannah: I love you.
Abe: Be kind.

What makes mommy happy?
Hannah: When you make good choices...
Abe: To share toys and food.

What makes mommy sad?
Hannah: When I don't make good choices.
Abe: To not share.

How does mommy make you laugh?
Hannah: When you tickle me.
Abe: To tickle

What was mommy like as a kid?
Hannah: You liked playing soccer, and jump rope, and volleyball. And you went to school. That's all.
Abe: I don't know.

How old is mom? (I'm 32)
Hannah: 31
Abe: 33

How tall is mom?
Hannah: (lots of giggling) 24 tall (that would be 24 finger marks going from my head to toe with me sitting)
Abe: (Holding up Hands about a foot apart.) "This how much is your head."

What is mom’s favorite thing to do?
Hannah: Be with your family
Abe: To do fun activities like buying Planet Heroes.

What does mom do when you're not home?
Hannah: Work
Abe: Eat lunch

If mommy was famous, what would she be famous for?
Hannah: Uhhhh, I don't know what that word is. What does the word famous mean?
Abe: No more questions

What is mommy really good at?
Hannah: Cleaning the house.
Abe: typing

What does mommy do for her job?
Hannah: Work
Abe: I don't know.

What is Mommy's favorite food?
Hannah: My guess is Pizza.
Abe: chicken nuggets

What makes you proud of your mom?
Hannah: That she can take care of 3 kids.
Abe: To play with my toys. (huh?)

If mommy was a cartoon character, who would she be?
Hannah: Hmmm, that's a good one. Uhhh, cinderella in the movie because she is modest and a great princess with blonde hair. But you would need to grow out your hair so you could put it in a bob.
Abe: a mom.

What do you and mommy like to do together?
Hannah: Watch movies while we fold laundry.
Abe: ummmm, to do fun things like going to the temple.

How are you and mom the same?
Hannah: We both have short hair.
Abe: to read books.

How are you and mommy different?
Hannah: Because she doesn't go to school, but I do.
Abe: but i have short hair.

How do you know mommy loves you?
Hannah: cause she always says that she loves me.
Abe: cause you always love me.

Questions for the mama...

What time do your kids wake up?
today: 6:30 a.m., 7:00 a.m., & 7:30 a.m. (3 kids, 3 times)

On a good night, what time do your kids go to sleep?

How long have you been a mom? 
5 years 11 months

How old were you when you became a mom? 26 years and 10 months (I think - my math skills aren't stellar)

What is your favorite kid show? 
Brady Bunch when I was younger. Little Einsteins for the kids because I love the classical music.

Least favorite kid TV show
Oh - so many. Shows with annoying music bug me or if the characters are smarty pants.

Favorite meal to cook? 
easy crockpot meals

What's the meal cooked most often? 
Red Baron Frozen Pizza this summer, I'm afraid

What is the kids favorite meal? 
Chicken nuggets and french fries, chicken fajitas

What are your favorite things that Jimmy does with the kids? 
Play sports outside. Read books or sing to them.

What are 5 things that make you smile while being a mom?
1) hearty sincere laughs
2) when my kids work hard and accomplish something new
3) snuggling and loves
4) light in my kid's eyes
5) watching them play sports outside because they laugh and smile so much.

Where do you want to take your kids someday?
to the temple

When was the last time you and your husband went out without the kids?
A few weeks ago we went on a date for Jimmy's birthday.

One thing you said you'd never do as a mom?
i never wanted to use tv as a babysitter, but i'm afraid i've done that.

Favorite past time with your kids? 
Enjoying outdoor activities like sports, hiking, walks

Advice for a new mom: 
Hmmmm... I'm still working on how to be a mom, so I'll let ya know when I master it.

When was the last time your kids said "I love you"?
This morning.

More questions for the kids...

Who are your best friends?
Hannah: Sierra, Monica, Ashlyn, Lindsay, Megan, Marissa, Jaydn, Abbey but she lives in Tennessee
Abe: John and Hannah

What is your favorite thing to do?
Hannah: Do daddy daughter dates with dad and go to Sonic
Abe: to buy Planet Heroes

What is your favorite movie?
Hannah: That's a good one. I think Sleeping Beauty.
Abe: Planet Hero

How can I be a better Mommy?
Hannah: If you make better choices.
Abe: To grow up.

What is your bigger challenge?
Hannah: To get shots.
Abe: bones (I asked him something that was hard in his life right now).


Heather H said...

Heather~that was so fun to read, I will have to see if Olivia will answer those for me!

shauna said...

So funny! So cute!

Anonymous said...

I loved reading this too! I love the answers kids give, and I can't wait to ask my kids these questions!

Marne said...

Love it Heather! I want to ask my kids these questions too...fabulous idea. Thanks for sharing.

Mary said...

Ha! I like that Hannah noticed that Cinderella is modest. Funny girl.