Monday, September 15, 2008

you would cry too if it happened to you

Mr. Max had a grouchy weekend. He cried most of the time for the babysitter (Jimmy's sister) on Friday. He's getting a bit emotionally connected to his ma and pa.

Plus, we figured out on Saturday that his top tooth was finally breaking through and so I guess I'd feel grouchy if that awkward big thing was bursting my gums too. This is a goofy photo but it was the best angle to get that funny tooth.

Apologies for the utterly messy baby here, but that's just what happens when you eat tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches without a bib. This is a good photo of his crooked bottom tooth that came in last week. I think this tot is going to have to be a jack-o-lantern for Halloween having one tooth on top and one on bottom.

Since Max is in the spotlight here, I guess we'll show his newest talent. The babe has discovered the stairs. Yikes! More adventures to come I'm certain.

We love this baby!


Amy D. said...

He blends right into the carpet in that one! Camoflage!

Marne said...

Oh he is so cute! I want to kiss his cheeks!