Monday, September 15, 2008

"My kindness will not depart from thee"

It's late and past my bedtime. But I just listened to Elder Holland's CES devotional from Sunday. I loved it and just wanted to share a few inspiring things.  What a powerful message he shared.

Some favorite lines are these -
"Heaven's kindness will never depart from you. Bad days come to an end, faith always triumphs, and heavenly promises are always kept. Hold on thy way.  Fear Not.  God shall be with you forever and forever." Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
This clip from YouTube has the end of his special blessing along with the beautiful closing song by Rob Gardner "My kindness will not depart from thee." (from Joseph Smith the Prophet available on Itunes)

I love, love, love the message and spirit of this song.

1 comment:

Lexie said...

Is there a way to print out this talk?