Monday, September 15, 2008

Check the expiration first

Jimmy turned the big 32 on Friday. The kids were more excited than ever and prepared all morning for his birthday. We didn't have any wrapping paper and I forgot to buy some so we recycled packing paper and let the kids decorate it. They thought that was the coolest thing ever.
They helped make cupcakes and since Jimmy didn't care about blowing out the candles, we let the kids do it. Smiles all around.
Jimmy's sister said she would babysit for us so we prepared to go out. I really, really wanted to go to the temple since we haven't been for a long time (so hard with a babe and no babysitters). So we were all ready to go - nylons and all -- -- well - Jimmy didn't wear nylons. :).

I got out my recommend and realized it expired in August. I had just had an interview the end of last year but they were just giving me a new recommend with the barcode and didn't change the date. Sigh... big bummer.

Then I checked the coupons we had to La Carreta - a Peruvian restaurant Jimmy likes because it's like Argentine food. Expired in August.

So we quickly changed plans and used a gift certificate Jimmy got for his b-day to Outback Steakhouse. And then we went to Movies 8 to see Indiana Jones. It's so funny that it still only costs $1.75 for each ticket.

So our date turned out well even if we had to change plans last minute. It was fun to be just with Jimmy and celebrate his birthday.


Marne said...

Happy Birthday Jimmy! I turn 32 in Nov...boy we are getting old.

The SAME THING happened to us this month! I'm all ready to go to ward temple night and Chad sees that our recommends are expired....sheesh...I was so embarassed..the first time ever I let my recommend expire!

Glad you had a good time!

Marne said...

Oh, and we like to wrap birthday presents in the comics from the Sunday paper. I hate paying for wrapping paper (unless we are giving a gift away) and my kids also love to decorate plain paper to wrap with. Way to be thrifty!