Thursday, September 04, 2008

Pyelonephritis and the E.R.

After 2 trips to the InstaCare and 3 different antibiotics last week, I finally took a middle-of-the-night run on Saturday to the E.R. after throwing up 10 times in 3 hours (which was all from the kidney infection - which turned out to be a serious one).

After a CAT scan (to see how bad the infection was and to rule out kidney stones) and an I.V. full of Zofran (anti-nausea), anti-inflammatory, a narcotic (oh yeah!), 2 bags of fluid for hydration, and powerful Rocephin antibiotic, I was doing so much better.

All of that jump started my recovery which still has been slow this week.

I slept about 20 hours on Sunday.  On Monday my mom and dad came to take care of us (which they do so well).  On Tuesday Jimmy's sister came to help with the kiddos.  And finally Wednesday I flew solo with Jimmy leaving late and coming home early so I could rest.

Good news: I now know right where my kidneys are.  And I'm still going (functional kidneys and all) and will be ever grateful for good health and kind E.R. Nurses (including Amy and Wade who suffered through my middle of the night phone calls).

Bad news: I had to completely miss our Idaho trip today to take Jimmy's brother to BYU-I.  I was really looking forward to that trip and going to Jackson or something fun.  Sigh...

With a muddled mind for a week I could hardly remember when I took pills even 5 minutes before so I'll also be grateful for a clear mind when this infection completely clears up.  Thankfully Jimmy helped me stay on track and covered all the important things - like caring for the kiddos ... and me.  Thanks my love!

In my fever and chills delirium on Sunday I thought of 2 final quotes for the day - it being the last day of August.

"I'm not dead yet." (thanks to Joey for introducing me to Monty Python and the Holy Grail for that one)

"I will survive, I will survive." (some Swing Choir song I remembered.)


Heather H said...

I really am willing to help you out, thats what visiting teachers are for! Let me know what you need!

Lexie said...

Heather, I am so sorry you have been SO sick. I hope you have a speedy road to recovery. I am also sad you missed coming to Idaho. Get well soon!

Carol said...

Oh, man, I'm so sorry about your sickness. That sounds so hard. I'm glad the ER hooked you up. Take care, Heath, and recover well.

shauna said...

Wow, sounds like a bad one! I wondered what was going on when your posts slowed down. Glad to know you are feeling better. Love you!

Jeanna said...

That's horrible! I'm glad you are starting to feel better. Take it easy, don't worry about anything, but taking care of yourself and the kids. Stick to the basics for now until you feel better. Dishes and vacuuming can wait!

Julie said...

Heather! My goodness. I sure hope you are doing better. Just reading your whole ordeal made me cry. It sounds a little scary to me. Here is sending get well wishes.

Cheri said...

Yuck! What a week for you. I hope you're all better now -- it's no fun being sick.
Abe is looking so grown up! And max is sooo cute!

abby's photo shoppe said...

Oh Heather,
I am so sorry that you were sick. I hope you get better SOON!

Marne said...

Oh, so sorry! Glad you are on the upswing!

Jan said...

Sorry about your sickness. I know this is an old post, but if your not on googlereader I forget to check. I hope your better!