Friday, August 29, 2008

Kidneys - Ouch!

Never, never, never get a kidney infection. Trust me on this one! You'll look and feel awful - just awful. But it makes me feel grateful for times when I am in good health - that's for sure.

side note for quote of the day (which I'm not doing very regularly am i?) :

Lately when I've found myself complaining about something, I've thought - 'well things could be worse.' I'm not intending to be pessimistic - just remembering that I am blessed.

But whenever I say that I think of the mean Stepmother on EverAfter and that she said this in her snooty voice to Danielle:

"Well, we must never feel sorry for ourselves, must we? No matter how bad things get, they can always get worse."
Not the most positive quote for the day. But a funny reminder of how ridiculous pessimism seems.

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming... Now Dory - there's an optimist for ya.


Anonymous said...

can I take the kids for you??? Sorry you are sick. I'll call

Lexie said...

I am so sorry Heather........I hope you can get some rest and feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for you those are the worst. I have had 2 bad ones & they were both after the birth of my last two kids. The first time I thought I was dying. I had chills & my side hurt so bad that I couldn't even walk. Bryce had to carry me to bed & I could only lay on my side with a heat pad on it, then when Gharrett was ready to nurse Bryce would bring him to me & I couldn't move I just had to lay there. Hope you feel better soon!

Marne said...

Oh, so sorry! I have heard how painful kidney infections are. Hope you have a speedy recovery!

Reeses Pieces said...

I love Everafter. It's one of my favorites. A girl's must have. I like your thoughts though. Today I was thinking about how much I still need to do to my house and then I thought, "gosh at least I have a house, unlike some of those in the Gulf Coast right now." Gotta love humbling moments like that.

Julie said...

Oh Heather I sure hope you are feeling better. Sorry to hear about your infection.