Monday, August 04, 2008


I have really enjoyed reading this gal's blog - A Daily Scoop. My heart hurts for her tragic situation. Her little 1 year old daughter drowned and they are dealing with the grief from her death. The mom, Stephanie, has such an amazing way of expressing her joys, frustrations, and testimony.

I especially liked the first part of her response on this particular post about how we all feel inadequate at times and we aren't perfect - not one bit... but that she shares things that are uplifting because that is what help strengthens her.

I haven't dealt with a tragic circumstance like hers, but I guess my perspective is similar where I deal with stuff that makes me want to curl up and cry sometimes ... and that I am well aware of my own weaknesses but I try not to drag everyone else through my mud (hopefully not too often anyways), but in the end I try to keep enduring joyfully the best way I know how (which unfortunately isn't always joyful).

Just a random sort of thought.

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