Monday, August 04, 2008

QaD - August 4

This quote comes from another book I'm reading right now - 'God wants a Powerful people" by Sheri Dew.

It's like one big HURRAH!!! for goodness and truth. I love all the awesome doctrine she teaches!


Marne said...

That is such a great book. I finished reading it not long ago.

Julie said...

I have been reading this book too. It is amazing and I have so much of it underlined, I fear I won't be able to find what I want when I need it. :) Thanks for highlighting this quote.

Amy D. said...

We have had some small challenges to our faith this summer. Mae was really sick with a sore throat for a week and had a blessing and prayed and prayed to get better. Every day she was sad that her prayers weren't answered yet. Patience in the timing of the Lord is one thing we are learning. (And she is better now and is glad that she prayed and had faith).