Monday, August 04, 2008

Grounds Crew

When Jimmy was at BYU, he worked part-time on Grounds. I'm so glad he learned so much because now he IS the grounds crew here at home.

Jimmy has worked two long and hard weeks digging trenches, gluing pvc pipes, installing sprinkler heads. His crew consists of Paul and Michael - his brothers (couldn't have done it without them!), and Abe (he's always very helpful - especially if you need someone to get really dirty and wander around).

Paul and Michael have enthusiastically (can't you see the joy glistening in their faces?) been helping build the shed too. If you feed them ... they will come!

So after 2 weeks, Jimmy decided to test the system to see how it worked. He was "PLEASANTLY SURPRISED" to find that it worked great. Poor Abe got caught in the initial run of sprinklers and was taken off guard. But he soon got over that and clobbered himself in the water.

So - tonight Jimmy is filling in the trenches with soil and will start grading the rocky land. That could take a while. Anyone want to come pick rocks??? There are PLENTY to go around. Come one - come all! We'll feed you.


Marne said...

Oh, putting in sprinklers is such hard work! I feel for ya.

Cheri said...

You go Jimmy!! We're all impressed with you!

Amy D. said...

Wow, what hard work and a great job!