Sunday, August 03, 2008

QaD - August 3

This weekend Jimmy and I have talked alot about this very topic - complaining about blessings. What? Growl... The bread on the Subway sandwich that I didn't have to make myself is hard? (ummm, yeah). ...

I don't think I've ever quite thought of complaining like this - that we usually are whining about something that is a blessing - like food, our house, our car, our family. Definitely something I need to improve on!

Today's quote come from this book by John Bytheway... How to be totally miserable - a Self Hinder book. I completely recommend it for anyone. I especially think it would be a great gift for any teenager. It's a super quickie read and would make a great bathroom book. :)

Whenever Abe sees this book, he picks it up and starts singing 'no one likes a frowny face... change it for a smile.' and then he turns it upside down. I love it.

1 comment:

Amy D. said...

I love this book. It points out so well the perspective we have makes all the difference.