Maxwell is actually a pretty cheerful baby. He is probably happy 95% of the time because he is easily entertained by Hannah and Abe. But the past 2 days he has been stuck in the 5% grouchy stage. He's hardly eating and just wants to be held. We hope this passes soon so he can be back to his life of cheerfulness - for our sake and his.
He is still adorable! :)
Oh, the no eating is a sure sign of new teeth coming in our household. Andrew's first 2-year molar just popped through today. No wonder all the crying and fingers in his mouth! Hopefully Maxwell starts to feel better soon.
I hope poor little Max is doing better. It's so hard when they're just not happy. I'm always so thankful when Brenner is asleep, then our household is a little more peaceful. I think his toes are cute in this picture. :)
And I love the quotes! Great idea to do one a day, I'll look forward to that!
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