Sunday, August 17, 2008

Celebrating Ice Cream Cones

Today at Grandma and Grandpa's the kids were offered ice cream cones. Abe said, "is this a cone?" We obviously don't serve our kids cones much. I don't think Abe's ever had one before (though Abe's just recently started liking ice cream anyways).
Each of the kiddos thoroughly enjoyed the cold refreshing treat. My mom was kind enough to share/give hers to Maxwell. He was delighted and slobbered away at it. He kept smiling a mile wide after he finished so it must have delighted his stomach and spirits too. I think he likes feeling like the rest of the group - like a real person - even as a wee babe.

1 comment:

Amy D. said...

Abe looks like he really is enjoying that ice cream! Way to go, Maxwell, too.