Sunday, August 17, 2008

You Go Grandma!

My dad's mother, Grandma Rasmina Beck is 91 years old. She lives in a mother-in-law walk-out basement apartment in my parent's home in NSLC. She has always been so talented with creating beautiful stitcheries and afghans. These are 2 of the many, many stitcheries she has done. Ummmm, yes, she's AMAZING!!

She is losing her eyesight, yet she is still using her hands to knit the cutest and softest little newborn hats. They are delivered to the humanitarian center to send all over the world. These are just a few of the hats she has knitted. Since living in Salt Lake, she has completed 293 hats.
Jimmy took a tour of the humanitarian center this past week and blogged about his experience here. I've never taken a tour there, but it sounds like it's worth taking time to do. There is so much good to be done for others. Thanks Grandma for your example of service.

(painting by Robert Duncan)

1 comment:

Amy D. said...

We love Grandma so much and are amazed at her life of service.