Friday, August 15, 2008

Abraham Lincoln Logs

Abe does really well at spatial tasks. He doesn't enjoy coloring much but he likes gluing sticks into letters or shapes. So - we thought he would enjoy some building tools. Jimmy thought Lincoln Logs would be appropriate since they were named after Abraham Lincoln. Abe has really enjoyed building the forts and cabins with Jimmy. (p.s. You can also see in this picture how very long Abe's legs are. I think both my older kids have grown an inch or two this summer.)Max scooted right into the fort and clobbered it. Abe loves building the houses that are listed in the step-by-step directions. I'm trying to get him just make it up, but he seems set on following the directions.


Alison said...

Wow, he's going to be a great engineer one day! I can't really imagine Porter following instructions to build something. Way to go Mr. Abe! And he looks like he must be a full head taller than Porter too!

Lexie said...

I think Lincoln logs, legos and those types of toys are just the best. They don't get old because you can always create something different.

Amy D. said...

Great toys for Abe!