Friday, July 25, 2008

someday might just be NOW

I heard this quote somewhere today (don't quite remember where with this forgetful brain of mine) and I liked it! I realized I need to live a brighter life!

I've been a bit of a complainer lately about all the work Jimmy has had to do outside (which means longer hours alone for me inside with the kiddies), the dirt (and more dirt), and disciplining issues (or lack or positive parental ability on my part), and such.

But I thought - 'hey, what if I lived more BRIGHTLY? What a difference that would make in my children's lives - and in Jimmy's life - and in my own life'.

I always come up with many splendid ideas for self improvement, family schedules, decorating the house, unpacking boxes plan late at night once my kids have gone to bed and I have time to breathe. But especially lately I wake in the morn tired with an aching body and all my ideas fly out the door and I hit survival mode. DOing is harder than THINKing sometimes,isn't it!

I read a good quote recently by Elder Eyring:
"But the test a loving God has set before us is not to see if we can endure difficulty. It is to see if we can endure it well. We pass the test by showing that we remembered Him and the commandments He gave us. And to endure well is to keep those commandments whatever the opposition, whatever the temptation, and whatever the tumult around us. We have that clear understanding because the restored gospel makes the plan of happiness so plain." (April 2004 Gen Conf)
So hopefully I can buck up and do better at enduring well & living brightly!

This video is somewhat unrelated... but this week I've been likin' the peaceful songs. I like the message of this song (even on the dark days there is still hope and goodness), but I'm also reminded that we can't always look to 'someday' for perfect times.

I just need to remember to find the perfect moments in an unperfect world.

There's my pep-talk for myself at this late hour!

Someday, when we are wiser
When the world's older
When we have learned
I pray someday we may yet
Live to live and let live

Someday, life will be fairer
Need will be rarer
And greed will not pay
Godspeed, this bright millenia
On it's way, let it come someday

Someday our fight will be won, and
We'll stand in the sun, in
That bright afternoon
'Til then, on days when the sun
Is gone, we'll hang on
If we wish upon the moon

There are some days, dark and bitter
Seems we haven't got a prayer
But a prayer for something better
Is the one thing we all share

Someday, when we are wiser
When the whole world is older
When we have love
And I pray someday we may yet
Live to live and one day, someday
Someday life will be fairer
Need will be rarer
And greed will not pay

Godspeed this bright millenia
Let it come
If we wish upon the moon

One day, someday....soon

lyrics by Stephen Schwartz, music by Alan Menken.


Amy D. said...

Pretty song, and excellent thought! I printed it out for bookmarks!

Jan said...

Hey Heather,

For some reason I keep having troubles when I try to post a comment on you blog. Let's hope this one actually works.

Life as a mom is quite challenging it is hard to accomplish everything you desire and stay on top of everything. I love that you are always trying to be better. I think that if you continue to keep trying that it will pay off. And staying positive as you always are always helps too. Thanks for all you great insights on life. I am also trying to live more brightly and create a life that is better for me and my family. I know we can do it.

Marne said...

Great thoughts, thanks for sharing. Doing IS harder than thinking, isn't it? But at least we are on the right track!