Saturday, July 26, 2008

Word Inspiration

Every so often I come across INSPIRING words ... ya know, the kind of words that lift your soul ... that strengthen you ... that give you hope ... that encourage you to keep going. I love those kind of words.

This website Wordle arranges word clouds based on words you submit or on a website like a blog. I just submitted some of my favorite words and swapped out the colors.

Kindof a fun little activity to cheer the day. Go create your own Wordle and be INSPIRED through words!


Ann Marie said...

What a fun idea Heather, thanks!

Marne said...

Cool Heather, thanks for sharing! I can see lots of fun options for this! Print it off to frame....make a word search for the kids....lots of possibilities!

Lexie said...

I just love this Heather! How fun! I would like to try this sometime. Would you care if I used the one you made for my Relief Society newsletter? I am trying to do something different for it. :) Also, if you don't mind I would love to use some of the quotes from your pioneer post (which I loved)???