Sunday, July 20, 2008

12 Ways to overcome

I taught the YW lesson today on overcoming opposition, disappointment and sorrow. This section by President Ezra Taft Benson was excellent.

Just thought I'd share this handout because I know we all face opposition and we can all use a little pick-me-up occasionally (every day for me!!). I needed to hear these reminders. Here's the link to the pdf file.


Lexie said...

I couldn't make the file link there a trick?

Amy D. said...

Let's just say that when things stay the same in the church it is usually amazing, and when they change it is needed. I remember teaching this lesson when I was in YW in Chicago years ago. I saved my handout (not as pretty as this, of course) in my journal all this time because it is such a helpful reminder of all I need to do. Thanks Heath!

Marne said...

Thanks Heather...this is great!