Friday, July 18, 2008

7 months old

Maxwell is 7 months old today. He's such a wiggly little babe especially when getting his diaper changed. I foresee many months ahead walking the halls at church with this wiggly one. sigh...

He has finally found motivation to roll over. He's a pro at that now (well, except when his arm gets stuck underneath his back and then there's a wee bit of trouble). He can sit up most of the time without crashing backwards.

In the past few days he's even been very motivated to attempt scooting. Max is out to get the ties on the blanket or toys. He's not yet on hands and knees but maybe in the next few months he'll graduate to that strength.

He's learned to say Dah-Dah-Dah-Dah but not consistently.

We think he's teething though there are no visible signs in his mouth.

Jimmy is quite afraid this babe is pigeon-toed just as much as his mother. We hope his feet straighten out soon.

Max likes baby food but is still figuring out the role his tongue plays in it all.

He's still spitting up and we've tried various formulas to no avail. Abe keeps praying that Max will stop spitting up. We'll see how that works for him.

Not much else to report, except we love this babe like crazy. When he is tired he laughs and laughs and laughs (well - before the crying & rubbing eyes stage of tiredness sets in). Laughter is good medicine for us all, isn't it!

Catching up in height with the other little rugrats slowly but surely. This photo is sooo our life... Hannah dressed up as a pioneer with her headband on. Abe fiddling with some injury on his foot. And Max is wondering what is going on - period!

Time is flying by way too fast. This babe is no longer my snuggly little bug. He's fun and alert and smiley though. I guess each stage has fun things about it.


Alison said...

Heath, I love this post! Can he really be 7 months alrady? He is such a CUTE boy! Love his bright blue eyes!!! Cute picture of your 3 kids together too. I love that it shows real life. I need to keep some of those photos too. I always delete them but it's so funny to see them being real kids!

Reeses Pieces said...

Weren't you just pregnant with him??? What a handsome little guy!

abby's photo shoppe said...

Thought you would get a kick out of this!

Marne said...

Little Max is not looking like a little baby anymore! I can't beleive he is 7 months old already! What a little cutie.

Cheri said...

I love seeing what Max is doing so I can see when Tolan will be doing those same things! Tolan's five months younger and it's fun to watch Max go through his milestones.
I sure do miss you, Heather!!

Amy D. said...

Those kids are so darling together and Maxwell is a cute little bug.