Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My wonderful parents

Yesterday was my parent's 41st Wedding Anniversary.
They were married in the Los Angeles Temple.
And how do you think they celebrated their anniversary?They helped clean our rental house for THREE HOURS. Can you believe how nice they are!

My brain hasn't exactly been functional so even though I knew it was their anniversary it didn't click that yesterday was that day.

When I talked to my dad about it when I finally realized, he was so cheerful and just commented that they were looking for a service project to celebrate their day. Oh dad! So thanks, thanks, thanks mom for scrubbing all the grime that I'm sure had been in that place for years. You are the best!

I just know it would have taken me 3 days with the kids to get all of that finished. I am so blessed to have such kind and helpful parents who sacrifice for their family. Happy Anniversary mom and pops!

1 comment:

Reeses Pieces said...

Okay this is so crazy. I have looked at so many blogs today, where it was someones anniversary. You always hear that June is wedding month, but now I know it's true. Love is definitely in the air.