Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Wind, wind, and more wind

You know how the wind ALWAYS blows in Sugar City. ALWAYS! Well, I think I've moved to the closest place to home with all this wind in Utah. The weather patterns from both valleys collide right on my house.

Today, our swing (unattached at present) completely blew all the way across the yard. Dude - that is a heavy metal object. I was worried it might blow into the neighbors sliding glass door or something.

After a phone call to Jimmy (not quite sure why I thought calling him would help it blow back in it's proper place), I went out to get it and could hardly walk to drag that huge thing back to the shelter of the house.

Abe thought the wind was super cool blowing into the house (welcome layers and layers of dirt on my floor and counters!). Wow - I thought I left Hurricane land of Florida and Tornado land of Tennessee behind. I do remember though, in Tennessee, that if the wind started blowing I consciously thought - "wow the wind is blowing." In Idaho you never think that, it's more like, "Wow, the wind ISN'T blowing." These are the wild, wild winds of the West!

I seriously think they should set up wind farms everywhere here, we could have completely free power. I bet my engineer husband could somehow build us one right here in our yard. Right honey??


Kristi said...

Heather I have thought the same thing about the windmills, but I was just informed that people can't use the windmills if the wind is blowing too hard. Just a little FYI.

Heather said...

ah hah - well that would definitely prevent them from being used in utah and idaho. shucks!

Jan said...

Sorry about the wind. I am glad that you are in your new house. Have fun unpacking. Did you put any pictures of your house on your blog? If not, I want pictures.

Julie said...

Oh love that! I think the idea of one of those windmills in the yard would be great too bad it wouldn't work. :)

Reeses Pieces said...

I love this post because I totally know how you feel. When Dave and I lived in Lehi by Thanksgiving Point that was our number one complaint...the wind. I hated it!!!