Sunday, June 08, 2008


Today we thought we'd break in the oven and bake Snicker doodles. The other day on Wishbone, the mom was making them and I remembered that they were yummy. So - here we are on our lovely day of rest (rest from our unpacking - sigh...) enjoying some yummy treats.

Jimmy set up the computer so I could find my recipe. The printer isn't set up so I wrote it on this piece of paper - the only one I could find. It was a drawing of Hannah's about baptism from church that for some reason they had to crinkle in a ball or something. Writing something long-hand took a while. I'm so spoiled having a keyboard, computer, and printed.

Anyhoo... the kids loved making cookies. They almost enjoy the dough more than the cookies.I let them roll the cookies in cinnamon and sugar and Abe's little blobs were so funny shaped but they flattened just right. We are grateful to have a window and light in this oven. In our rental house, we couldn't see a thing in there. Little blessings!!!


luvmy5boyscora said...

Yeah for ovens with windows and lights. We were without that in our rental too. It is amazing how much the kids miss looking in the oven when that feature is missing.

So Heather, how do you take such good pictures? I love your shots and also the things you take pics of like ordinary life and stuff. What inspires you to take a picture? How can I try to take more pics of ordinary stuff? Do you have to have a super fancy camera? I know you're busy, so don't worry about responding, but I really like your photos of the every day stuff.

shauna said...

oooooooooh, love the counters and appliances! Can't wait to see the whole thing. We'll get together someday... some day soon :)