Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The woman who can't forget

Have you heard of the woman Jill Price who wrote this book, The woman who Can't Forget. She remembers everything...yes, everything. She wrote this book about her experience with superior autobiographical memory.

It really is amazing that her brain would do that, but I do feel bad for her. I can't imagine remembering every conversation or feeling (especially anger or sadness)... it seems like it would be too intense for your brain to handle sanely.

Here's a quote from her interview with Glenn Beck (which is very interesting too):
"Well, like I'm sitting here talking to you but I also have a running movie of endless memories that just are constantly flowing through my head, free flowing. So it's not anything that is connected to one other thing. It's just constant, you know, memories throughout my life. It's like watching a home video."
Jimmy, who shared this story with me, was commenting on the interesting connection that a Celestial being would have with perfect memory. Heavenly Father doesn't ever forget about what we've done but he looks past it when we've repented... and chooses not to focus on the bad, but the good that we can do. And maybe someday when we are celestial beings, we will have learned how to handle the mirage of memories and thoughts. Interesting to think about!


Reeses Pieces said...

I love your new header. You amaze me with your blog. You always have so many good finds. Good books, thoughts, quotes, fonts, recipes.....etc. You're amazing, you crazy blogger you!


Amy D. said...

That seems like quite the burden, but interesting. I wonder what makes her that way?

Oh, and I totally agree about your new header. It is amazing, and your whole blog is so fun.