Saturday, May 03, 2008


You know when you finally decide to prepare dinner at like 6 p.m.

And you have a headache and serious allergies.

And you spend an hour preparing an interesting yet healthy creation.

And you are the only one to eat the main dish... yes, ONLY YOU!

And you enjoy it thoroughly even though it was a little weird and everyone was giving it googly-woogly looks.

Such would be my life this evening.

(oh... jimmy just informed me that he ate a bit of dinner an hour ago...sigh...he must have been really hungry to endure that meal!)


{B}dreamy said...

Wait, what did you make??? *B

Alison said...

I would love to know what you made too! That's funny. Good thing each day is a new day to try again. :)

Amy D. said...

Sometimes I laugh at what we count as dinner when it's not a "real" meal. If it has a couple of food groups, it can pass!