Saturday, May 03, 2008

Anniversary of our 1st Date

Today marks the 8th anniversary of mine and Jimmy's 1st date ever! We met the end of April and that nice boy asked me out for May 3, 2000.

What did we do, you ask? Well... let's see... it did happen to be right in the midst of NBA Championships. Yep, for our 1st two dates, we watched basketball. I knew if I ever married this boy, basketball would be a part of my life. (which is why I have so much night-time to blog these days while my kids are supposedly sleeping and my hubby is watching b-ball).

So we not only watched basketball (and don't even asked me who played... I really don't know) ... but we also ate pizza and had soda. The guys ordered Little Ceasars (right off of 9th in Provo)... only they gave them the wrong order. So we ate a mushroom and pineapple pizza... only I picked off all the mushrooms (icky slimey things!) It was a funny part of the date. If I remember correctly, we also played Chicken Scratch with dominoes.

So - here's to our 8th Anniversary of our First Glorious Date. I love the love of my life Jimmy!


Alison said...

So cute! Happy 1st Date Anniversary! What fun memories. Sometimes I wish we could go back to those fun dating days. But sometimes it's so much better to be married and know them so well after so many years together huh!

Amy D. said...

You know the date of your first date? I know which summer ours was in :). That is so sweet, Heather.