Saturday, May 31, 2008

May Photo-a-Day Challenge

I decided to participate in Jessica Sprague's Photo-a-Day Challenge for the month of May.

Some days it was hard to remember to take a photo of something with the busyness of life and family.

Some days it was fun to think of normal things in our life that I wanted to document.

Some days the photos didn't turn out too swell and some days I liked them.

I tried not to just take photos of my kids every day but they of course did sneak in there every few days. But overall, it was fun to practice angles, cropping, composition, and photoshopping. Even though I probably couldn't keep it up all year long, it was fun to do for a month.

You can see my photos for the month of May here.

So people! ... Go Forth and Photograph your normal every-day life!

1 comment:

Marne said...

I loved participating in Jessica's challenge helped me remember to photograph my everyday life. I loved looking at your pictures! Fun.