Saturday, May 31, 2008

Painting Woes

Ummm yeah... that would be the border between the ceiling and the wall.

Here's the story... we've had pretty good success in painting 6 neutral tan walls (2 coats) and a blue wall in Abe's room and a pink wall in Hannah's room. All of that paint was Behr satin or semi-gloss.

So here we are in Max's room. I found this color in Glidden paint that I thought I would love... not bright grassy green but hopefully not too yellowish or grayish. Well, it's pretty much puke 70s color. Yeah - pretty much oscar the grouch puke green! I'm not sure if I can handle it. From the very start of using the Glidden paint, it was very runny and didn't paint well. And the edges were awful. I used the edger just as I did on the other colors. So what's up with that?

Can I save the ceiling? I think I might just paint everything white again and do a different color in Behr. Help! Has anyone else had trouble with Glidden paint or is it just me? Do I need to buy special ceiling paint or just normal white? I'm guessing they just used the cheapest white primer on the walls, but i'm not sure on the ceiling.

As for my coupon woes, I was trying to use one of my coupons at Home Depot (it was a Lowe's one I'd bought on Ebay.... which by the way, the sellers do state that you are not paying for the coupon but only for their time in collecting the coupon)... but anyhoo... the gal at this certain Home Depot said that all Ebay coupons were not legitimate and they wouldn't accept them. I had used like 7 others just fine at a different Home Depot. And I wasn't trying to be dishonest one bit.

So after she told me that, I was reading the fine print on the Lowe's coupon and it said that it was void if purchased from an online auction. Oh man! So now I think I'm not going that route and will just use the coupons I get directly from Lowe's or Home Depot. We got several when we moved through USPS and you can sign up online to get them from the company. They just aren't as awesome of coupons, but they will have to do so I'm not participating in something that might be questionable. Anyhoo...

Painting is pretty fun though overall. My neck and back are tight and I sleep so well at night from all the hard work because I'm so tired. I love seeing the finished room. We love the pink in Hannah's room. It will never exactly be reproduced because it is a modge-podge of colors because I started it way too light. And I really like the blue in Abe's room. So, painting has not been all that disastrous, just this one glitch that will have to be fixed.


Anonymous said...

I have a coupon for lowes for you if you want it. Don't know if you can use it, you have to spend a certain amount, but you are welcome to it.
Let's go to the zoo.

Kirstin said...

I have a Lowe's coupon, too. $10 of a $50 purchase. I can mail it to you if you want it. But it expires July 31st.

Kristi said...

By the way Heather, I like the color of the green paint. It doesn't look bad--at least not online. I am about to paint Isaacs room (right now he is sleeping in a bright bright pink room (leftover from previous owners and with a saying in vinyl about being a princess)) and we are going to do it some greenish color that looks similar to the one you used. I am trying for the safari look--so I want a safari green. We'll see how it turns out.