Thursday, May 29, 2008

Abe's b-day continued...

Wow - I haven't had time to blog the rest of Abe's birthday. Life must have gotten in the way! :) This is indeed a good thing. We've been busy with dental appointments, painting our new house, hanging out at our new house getting stuff slowly moved in, attending my uncle's service, visiting with family (hurray!), shopping at home depot for all sorts of home goodies like paint, knobs and a shed, etc.

So here is the rest of Abe's birthday.

Hannah woke up and made party hats for her and Abe.
We made blue waffles for breakfast. I'm glad we had him blow out the candle on his waffle because I completely forgot when we had cake.
Auntie Julie made this awesomely decorated cake for Abe. She used to decorate cakes at Baskin Robbins. Way cute huh! Abe said he liked the mud part. Abe is giving the 'good job' thumbs up in honor of Grandpa!

Mom, dad, and Julie came to our mini party. It definitely was the most people we've ever celebrated a birthday with before since we've always lived so far from family.

I think my favorite part was when we played 'McQueen, McQueen, Mater' just like duck, duck, goose. Abe was roaring with funny laughter when he ran around the circle. And when he was 'IT' every time he said 'mcqueen' his voice got higher and higher and higher pitched. It made us all smile a mile wide to see him so full of glee.

This last photo probably doesn't deserve to make the bloggie, but since this is by far the fanciest decorating we've ever done for a party, I thought we should note the fabulous blue streamers and gorgeous red balloons that Hannah thought looked like Mickey Mouse. Hannah helped decorate and was very excited to make Abe's birthday a special one. Thanks girly girl Hannah!

Update on Abe's 4th birthday goals...
He said he has not been sucking his thumb to go to bed (but I haven't documented that for certain).

He has given me (yes - given me!) 3 boogers on 3 separate occasions to dispose of. This means that he did not eat them! Way to go cold turkey buddy!


Cheri said...

Oh! Happy Birthday Abe!! We were just talking about you guys today, and decided to check the blog. Only 18ish more years till the Smith/Sharp wedding!

Anonymous said...

I love your life Heather. It is so real. Happy Birthday Abe. I love the mqueen, mater game. I might just use it...