Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Memorial for an Uncle

Today was the memorial service for my Uncle Roger. It was at a cemetery in Bountiful where my Grandpa and Grandma Nelson are buried. It was a lovely sunny day. My uncle loved the outdoors, especially hiking in the mountains. He loved books and had about 2,000 books in his home.

Over the past month, I have really enjoyed hearing and reading memories about Roger from family and his friends. And today with 87 people attending the memorial, I know many loved and cared about him. He made a positive difference in people's lives and I hope he knows that.
(I made this framed image that was displayed at the grave site in a 5x7 size so any relatives who want to print it can save the large image and get it developed.)

The cemetery was a lovely site with all the colorful memorial day flowers! And I think my uncle would have enjoyed the breeze, the sunny skies, and mountain view. If any of you cousins or sisters got a good photo of the headstone and flowers, will you email it to me. Thanks! :)

It was fun to see so many cousins and relatives. I wished we could have gotten a photo with all the nieces and nephews of Roger's today, but it is always hectic and busy with so many people.

My kids had a chance to see Carol's kids. They had only met Hannah when she was about a year old, so they had a fun time. Brandon and Christi were so nice to Abe and Hannah and played with them. It was fun to watch.

Here's Brandon and Abe playing tag. Abe had a blast!

A little man-to-man talk and a breather.

I think Abe would follow older boys around all day long if he could. What cute, sweet boys!

Don't these girlies look just like cousins. Christi has brilliant blue eyes and Hannah has dark brown but they were so cute together in pink.

I love seeing kiddies having a fun time together. Max really liked Brandon. He is starting to become shy of strangers so he kept pouting his lip and then Brandon could get him to smile. It was cute!

And I love this photo of Max in dad's hat. So precious to me!

I didn't get many photos from the service today nor did I get to visit with as many cousins as I hoped, but I hope I remember the feeling of caring and support felt by friends and family today for Roger. I was so glad Amy could fly in and share her thoughts along with Tricia and Ann.

Something Roger treasured was this Serenity Prayer which many of his friends said in unison today:

God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed,

courage to change the things that should be changed,

and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.

1 comment:

Carol said...

Great summary of the events of the day, Heath!! You do such a great job taking photos and documenting everything. I'm so impressed. Love Max in dad's hat! That's classic! It was so great to see you and let the cousins play. Our kids had a blast finally getting to meet and play with your kids!