Thursday, March 20, 2008

So glad for Spring!

Spring is the vernal equinox.
"An equinox in astronomy is that moment in time (not a whole day) when the center of the Sun can be observed to be directly above the Earth's equator, occurring around March 20 and September 23 each year." (wikipedia)


Spring revives my soul. I feel more awake and alive because of the renewed energy that comes from swallowing sunshine after a wintertime indoors.

Why is the sky so blue and clear?
Why is the robin’s song so dear?
Why is the sun so warm and bright,
Filling the earth with glorious light?
Why are the fields so green today?
Why do the clouds all float away?
Why does my heart with gladness sing?
Only because it’s spring!

Faye Glover Petersen (from the Primary Children's Songbook)

This is how I feel about Spring - taking a walk outside with Brady Bunch tunes in mind. Now if only it were a sunny chipper day. We had a rainy chilly storm blow in just in time for the vernal equinox. Sigh... there's always tomorrow.

Happy Vernal Equinox to y'all!


Janey said...

Oh i love brady bunch. I think it reminds me of swing choir and that's why i love it so much :)

Kristi said...

I was just singing the other Brady Bunch song "Time to Change" to Terry. He doesn't know the Brady bunch songs like I do so it went unappreciated.

Now I am going to have sunshine day in my head for a while.

Alison said...

It made me happy to see the pictures of the tulips. And love the Brady Bunch video... Like Kristi that song is now in my head. Gotta get some of those ray-ay-ays! (Seriously wish we had some here!)

Amy D. said...

Yeah for spring and the Bradys! thanks Heath!