Thursday, March 06, 2008

The Aquarium

The kiddos and I enjoyed a fun time at the Aquarium today with our friends the Daws. Abe's favorite part was seeing lots and lots of Nemos. He even dared pet a tiny tiny starfish. Hannah loved the baby Sea Horses and the glow-in-the-dark jellyfish. She didn't dare pet anything!!! We saw octupus, frogs, sea cucumber, crabs, lobster, rainbow trout (go Utah fish!), a yellow Dory, stingray, little "Jaq" shrimp, clown fish, sharks, and oh so much more! My favorite part was getting out of the house and enjoying a leisurely time with the kids and our friends. If only that blow fish would have blown!!! Maybe next time.


shauna said...

Wow, this looks fun! Is it at Thanksgiving Point?
And great Healthy Living goals! Good for you.

Amy D. said...

Oh, super fun! Mae wants to go to a zoo or aquarium soon. Makes me think of Sea World, San Antonio.

Lexie said...

Heather, where is the aquarium at? It sounds neat!