Friday, March 07, 2008

Quiet Bananas

Here I am a quiet house... sigh... All 3 of my kiddos are taking naps - YES, ALL THREE! I told the kids if they wanted to go to the gymnastics meet at BYU tonight that they had to nap. Max, of course, was all over that one. He is so talented at napping.

So... here I am in a quiet house with a Dark Chocolate Milky Way candy bar sitting on counter (a sweet treat from Jimmy my love). And what do you think I'm eating?... yep - a banana and water from my awesome water bottle. I'm trying to be a good girlie!


Amy D. said...

Berry good girl, Heath!

luvmy5boyscora said...

Good job Heather. Thanks for the motivation!

Marne said...

Way to go!