Friday, January 11, 2008

My mom tells me...

that I had the same hairdo as Maxwell when I was a baby.... That's too awesome! Imagine me with the comb-forward & over effect. Someday when we ever find our scrapbooks in the 400 boxes we are unpacking, I'll scan in mine and Jimmy's baby pics so we can compare. For now, we'll keep this little boy's head warm with this cute little hat. He doesn't look like he enjoys wearing it. But baby - it's cold outside!


Alison said...

Too cute! Love babies in hats! Can't wait to see photos of you and Jimmy as babies. Are you getting adjusted (as much as you can with the move and all) to having 3 kids? I would love to hear how about everything. Love ya!

Mary said...

Hi Heather!! That Maxwell is a cutie. I'm excited to see your baby pictures. Were you super blond as a baby? Is Maxwell's hair still as dark? Were Hannah and Abe that dark as babies? I think he looks like Abe.

Amy D. said...

Well, Maxwell looks so great in those winter clothes and colors! Darling little guy.