Saturday, January 12, 2008

What is normal?

I've decided that 'Normal' is relative. In the back of my mind, I keep thinking, "Sigh... I'll be so glad when our life gets back to normal." But then I wonder what normal is.

Is normal when life's main worries are getting the mountains of laundry done, the sink full of dishes cleaned, and dinner made each night? Is normal when you have a baby? Is normal when you move? Is normal when you're snowed in drinking hot chocolate? Is normal when you have a million errands to run with 3 kids? Is normal during the holidays? Is normal being able to sit and enjoy each other or is it working hard all the time? Is normal life when it seems hard or when it seems easy?

Webster has some pretty crazy definitions of 'normal' which make my brain hurt.
1. perpendicular to a tangent at a point of tangency
2. according with, constituting, or not deviating from a norm, rule, or principle
3. of, relating to, or characterized by average intelligence or development
4. having the property that every coset produced by operating on the left by a given element is equal to the coset produced by operating on the right by the same element
5. having the property of commutativity under multiplication by the transpose of the matrix each of whose elements is a conjugate complex number with respect to the corresponding element of the given matrix

Seeing these definitions makes me think that I misuse the word 'normal'. Anyhoo... back to the point of what is "normal" family life... Perhaps there is no state of 'normalness' in life... but that easy times, hard trials, happy, sad, tired, energetic, ...etc... are all part of LIFE.

I do think life is one huge adventure and that our attitude about it all might be our perception of 'NORMAL' life. Thi quote has reminded me about the importance of being optimistic (which I've occasionally had a hard time with this week)
“Things turn out best for people who make the best out of the way things turn out” Coach John Wooden
We don't always get what we want (isn't that the truth)... but I suppose we always get what is best for us (remind me of that when I feel discouraged).

There really is no point or end to my 'normal' ramblings.... other than it has been a release of thoughts stored in this family science studies brain of mine. Perhaps someday I'll figure out what 'normal' really is.


Amy D. said...

Excellent musings, Heath! Really, normal life is just that... LIFE! And it's not consistent or predictable most of the time. Normal can't be "average" because how often would you ever have "normal" life (it's not quite like math). Great food for thought here.

Alison said...

Oh Heath, although normal life is sometimes crazy I think your life has certainly been unnormal for the last couple weeks! Things will settle down after you get all moved and you get in a routine with your babe and your incision gets all healed up. Then things will be back to more normal, and I think you'll look back on what you've been through and wonder how you did it! I wonder how you're doing it! You're amazing! Love this post. Normal is sometimes all relative huh? :) Best of luck! Wish I could be there to help you!