Wednesday, January 16, 2008

It's a Day!

Well... today is my birthday. For the past few years I've tried to do a personal history page on my birthday for posterity's sake. I thought this year I'd document 32 random things about lil' ol' me.7 a.m. = I think Hannah was more excited about celebrating my birthday than I was (birthdays just aren't the same when you're the mom - eh?). As soon as she woke up, she lit up all over and remembered this Disney Playhouse Celebration Website so we could print invitations, decorations, party favors, etc. I'm glad she was trying to make it a fun day! She said , "this birthday will be the best ever for you mom!!" Plus Jimmy and Hannah bought me a huge container of Nestle Rich Hot Chocolate and my favorite Raspberry filled Hostess donuts.

11 a.m. = Hannah was in tears because "your birthday is so boring mom." (Just because I wasn't willing to start the party and games and activities at 7 a.m. and have them last ALL DAY LONG. Let's please be realistic sweet little Hannah.)

1 p.m. - 4 p.m. = Hannah takes a nap and wakes up cheerful and refreshed.

6 p.m. = "Isn't this the best birthday party ever mom?" says Hannah Mae (looks like we've gone full circle today with emotions.)

Abe's birthday present to me was this: sleeping in until 9 and waking up happy and saying so sweetly at random times throughout the day, "I love your birthday", "I like your eyes," "I like your hand" (and then he kissed it), "I love you" (with a huge hug). His attitude cheered my day. He even helped mash the bananas for our Sour Cream Banana Bars.

Thanks to everyone who sent emails and called. Your love made me cry for about half of the day!


Janey said...

Oh so cute!!! I love you heathy, I'm glad you had a birthday! Remind me to tell you about the near mishap with your birthday video!

Reeses Pieces said...

Isn't getting older the best. Birthdays can just be kind of blah, like Abe said. Happy Birthday! It sounds like you had a special day.

shauna said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY HEATHER! It sounds like everything is going well for you with all the changes and transitions, I am so glad. Love the pictures of Mighty Max. What a doll.

Alison said...

Great Birthday post, Heath! I'm glad your kids are so sweet to you, and that it turned out to be the best birthday party ever in Hannah's eyes. Your kids are so cute. Hope it was a wonderful day!

(And great scrapbook page!)

Marne said...

Happy Birthday Heather! I think the kids being so excited about our birthdays is what still makes it so fun. They love birthdays! I like your scrapbook page too...great idea! Have a good day!

Jolene said...

Happy Birthday!!! Your kids are so sweet. Glad you had a great day.

Sally said...

Happy Happy Birthday Heather! Hannah and all of her emotion is so darling. I love the idea of doing a page on your birthday! Great tip.

Anonymous said...

Heather it sounds like you had a good B-day. Happy (belated) Birthday to you! I'm with you though birthdays just aren't the same when your a mom or older for that matter. Just a usual day with lots to do but the one good thing is you get to eat as much cake as you want at the end of the day.

Angie said...

Happy Birthday Heather! It sounds like your kids and husband took good care of you.

Carol said...

Happy Birthday Heather!! You are so right . . . mom birthdays are not as fun. I'm loving Hannah's attempts, though. She is so cute! Sure love you!

Amy D. said...

I love you, Heather! You are the sweetest :). Happy day!

Andrea said...

Hope you had a happy birthday! It was fun to learn more about you. AND, it always makes me feel better when you say you are slow because you are a perfectionist. That is me to a "T" and it makes me feel better for some reason that there is someone out there like me. :)AND I wished I lived by you so we could real friends and not just blogging buddies! :)

Jan said...

Happy Birthday! Isn't it great to be in your 30's. I love it.