Thursday, January 17, 2008


With a new year, a fresh start, I thought I'd choose a new word to represent my goals for 2008. That word isI have read some inspiring messages on keeping life simple so I thought I'd share some of those thoughts occasionally to keep myself on track with these goals. The first thought is this:

As we try to simplify our lives, we need to look for worthwhile, exciting, and wonderful ways to fill the spaces that we open up. Lillian Gilbreth, the mother in Cheaper by the Dozen, was an efficiency engineer. She said that when a new child was born, she made it a policy to throw one outgrown thing out of her life and to let in more sunshine.

The real purpose of simplification is to fill our lives with activities that build joy—pondering, savoring, concentrating on others, conversing, studying, and appreciating the gifts and blessings that surround us. When our lives are too complex, we have no time to refine them.

Celebration! Ten Principles of More Joyous Living by Jaroldeen Edwards


Amy D. said...

Sounds like just the philosophy I need to adopt for this year, too! I'll look forward to your entries on simplification.

Angie said...

Oh, I love that page - did you make it? It is so pretty and a great message