Tuesday, January 15, 2008

It's amazing to realize...

that 4 weeks ago this cute little person was born into our family. I can't imagine our family without him. We love you sweet Maxwell!


Marne said...

So precious Heather! I love that layout, the papers are so cute!

Jolene said...

Time goes way to fast. Babies don't stay little long enough. Cute pages.

Sally said...

Time sure flies doesn't it! Glad to hear you are recovering from your C- I am starting to get a little nervous about mine.

Your baby is DARLING! Totally understand your "adjustment period" to Utah. I am reminded what a unique place that is every time I visit.

Alison said...

Darling! You are so good. He is such a sweet and cute baby. I love when they sleep so sweetly. What a cute quote on the first page too!

And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you today!!!

Angie said...

He is darling Heather! I can't wait to see him in real life.