Saturday, December 29, 2007

Survival Mode

Generally with a big move looming, I would be heading into full force organizing, dejunking, cleaning mode. But with having a wee little babe and recovering from surgery, our fam is on Survival Mode.

We're just working on getting dishes done once a day, laundry done once a week, meals occasionally happening but rarely balanced with the food groups, trying to get a few hours of sleep (mostly Jimmy as he's been letting me sleep through the night), entertaining Hannah and Abe with movies (and wondering why they are in a constant state of noise since we've had our babe), showering maybe once a day (and maybe by 5 p.m.), journaling our happenings on blogger (sure is easier on my incision than working), and changing a million poopy babe diapers (at first I forgot we had to change diapers since I wasn't used to having a baby, and now the babe poops like every 5 minutes. It is stinkin' us out!).

All the credit for anything that gets done goes to my man Jimmy. He has been an angel (a hard working one - at that!) to let me recuperate as much as possible before we fly West next Friday. I'm up for having babies and even enduring pregnancies, but I'm not up for many more c-sections. Being sliced open and having my entire mid-section bruised from the ordeal isn't my fav and is still too fresh in my mind, I suppose. Sometimes I think myself a wimp (perhaps I really am), but then I remember that a c-section is considered major surgery and it does take a few weeks to be normalized.

Anyhoo... there are just a lot of things I've had to stop worrying about. I've realized things won't be done as I'd prefer with this move, but most things will get done and we'll survive. It's interesting how my expectations change depending on the circumstances. For now, I'll just be grateful if we all survive all these changes in our family and this move.


Marne said...

Good luck! I can't imagine doing all that with a new baby. But you are right, you will get through it. Good thing you have an awesome husband!

Angie said...

What a sweet photo of Max and Jimmy. I admire you for all of your c-sections. That takes some toughness. I hope all goes well for your move. You are a survivor!

Alison said...

Good luck this week Heath! I'm so glad you have such a wonderful husband as Jimmy. I love the picture of he and little mighty Max together. And the picture of the rock climber sure feels like life sometimes! Good luck!!!

Kristi said...

Heather--your description of a day is exactly how my days are right now. In fact I am still in my pajamas at 1:20 and haven't showered. Just want you to know I totally understand--except I haven't had the sliced open midsection. I don't, however, have a husband to let me sleep through the nights because Terry is working graveyards right now and then he sleeps all day long. Poor me. Poor poor me.