Saturday, December 29, 2007

Au Revoir Christmas Season

Today marks the end of our Christmas season as we dismantled our Christmas tree and put away the decorations. The kids were sad to see it go and thought the corner didn't look as pretty, but they enjoyed undecorating (which, by the way, isn't a real word in the dictionary) the tree and eating a candy cane. Christmas seems a bit of a blur and went by way too quickly. We'll have to keep Josh Groban Christmas album alive throughout all next year. :) And to say Adieu to this wondrous season, here's a closing holiday thought. I love finding great quotes which inspire me and make my heart happy. This one was shared by Angela Davidson. Thanks!


Marne said...

Beautiful quote Heather. Thanks for sharing it!

Alison said...

That is such a nice quote. Would you mind if I posted it on my blog too? I'm such a copier, not many creative ideas on my own. :)