Saturday, December 29, 2007

Fun times

Here are the kids enjoying the babe, Mighty Max (Jimmy's new nickname for Maxwell). Sometimes I'm not sure if Maxwell will enjoy being smothered with loves from his sister and mother. Hannah sings to Max and is constantly about 2 inches from his face showing him a doll or trying to get him to smile or something. She sure loves him! And Abe is mostly still banned from being within 5 feet of Maxwell since he still has a slightly gooby nose and slight cough. But he really wanted to hop in one of these pictures.

Isn't that flannel jungle blanket so fun and cute? My mom made it for Maxwell. Thanks Grandma Price!

This is a classic photo of Maxwell's hairdo. We had even just combed it but it naturally goes forward on the sides. We were looking at baby photos of Jimmy and we think Maxwell looks a lot like him as an infant - though Jimmy had less hair. They were only 1 oz difference too. We love our little awesome dude Max!


Marne said...

So precious!

Angie said...

Oh, little Max is the cutest! He has the cutest little face! Way to go - you sure know how to make em!

Alison said...

Heather, I love these pictures of your kids. They are darling! And seeing little Max makes me baby hungry and anxious for June (although I dread the recovery part). And I love his jungle blanket. Baby-things are so fun! I'm glad Hannah is such a great helper. The 2-inches from his face made me laugh. Hannah and Abe look so big and grown up next to your sweet little babe. What a cute family!