Sunday, December 30, 2007

Abe's musical debut

This is a song from Abe's musical debut at his Preschool Christmas Program. Every time he sings it, my heart swells with happiness because he's just too sweet and cute.

In a little stable
Far across the sea
Was a little Baby
Just like you and me.

Shepherds stood around Him,
Angels watched with care,
For this Babe was Jesus,
Lying, smiling there.


Alison said...

What a sweet boy! I love his cute little voice. I remember in high school watching my brothers on home movies when they were little and their voices were high and we laughed so hard because it was so cute. One day when he has a big deep man voice you'll love wathcing this! He is a sweetheart.

Angie said...

Heather! He is darling. I love all of the hand actions, he did a great job!